Vote for Community Health in the Nov. 5 Election
Early voting in Wisconsin is underway now! Explore WCHA member shared resources and join us in participating in the democratic process to build a healthier future for our communities

Voting is an important way to build healthier and more equitable communities. Voting, sharing voting resources, and discussing ballot issues that are important to you are ways that you can contribute to a culture of civic engagement in your communities.
We hope these resources will help you make a plan to vote. Checking what is on your ballot ahead of time can help you make a more informed choice. Absentee and early in-person options (which began Tuesday Oct. 22 in Wisconsin) can help you avoid the election day lines.
The following are resources that have been shared by Wisconsin Community Health Action (WCHA) members, including both non-partisan resources and resources that discuss or support specific candidates. We invite you to share any of these resources or this post with your communities and anyone who may benefit from them.
General Voting Information
National voting instructions and information:
Be sure to check out absentee and early voting options, deadlines, and ID requirements in your voting district.
Wisconsin voting instructions:
Important Wisconsin election deadlines (also selected dates and info copied at the bottom of this post):
Voting for public health guides
American Public Health Association:
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health:
Wisconsin Voting Tips
Don't forget to wear a mask whether you are voting early or going to the polls on November 5. Bring a valid photo ID (WI ID or passport) with you when you vote.
You can request curbside voting as a disability accommodation if you are unable to enter the polling place (including but not limited to people with immunocompromising conditions or COVID infection). Here are instructions: and more info on accessible voting:
Wisconsin’s in-person absentee voting (early voting) began yesterday, October 22, and goes through November 3. The registration deadline at in-person absentee sites is November 1 (after that you would need to register on election day November 5 at your polling place).
Enter your address to see in-person absentee/early voting and ballot drop box options:
Madison in-person absentee/early voting locations:
UW-Madison in-person absentee/early voting locations:
If available in your Wisconsin voting district, you can use ballot drop boxes in this election prior to election day! These are a good option, as regular mail can sometimes be delayed.
Enter your address to see in-person absentee/early voting and ballot drop box options:
Madison ballot drop-off locations:
College Student and Instructor Resources
UW-Madison voting information:
UW-Madison BadgersVote toolkit including materials for student outreach:
Madison College voting information:
National Candidate and Ballot Issue Information
Voting for US President, as well as any other office, is choosing your preference or the most reasonable option to you, not making an endorsement of the candidate personally or their views on all issues. In Wisconsin, 25,000 or fewer votes often decide the allocation of the state’s electoral votes. See the articles below for information on Wisconsin’s electoral importance.
Voting information from the League of Women Voters (a non-partisan group), personalized to what’s on your ballot:
and their general website
Compare the 2024 US Presidential candidates on their health policies, from KFF, an independent nonprofit policy research, polling, and journalism organization:
Candidate endorsements, information, and get-out-the-vote events from National Nurses United, the largest union and professional organization of registered nurses in the US:
Wisconsin Specific Candidate and Ballot Issue Information
There is much on the ballot. People can see a sample ballot at the website to research what is on the ballot before voting. This website is in both English and Spanish.
League of Women Voters Wisconsin:
League of Women Voters Dane County:
Vote NO on the Wisconsin Constitutional Amendment
The proposed Wisconsin constitutional amendment endangers voting rights for all of us. A NO vote protects Wisconsin voting rights. For more information, visit the League of Women Voters Wisconsin page:
Madison Referendum Information
Madison City referendum information:
Madison Metropolitan School District referenda (two are on the ballot) information:
Participate in Safer Get Out the Vote Options
If you participate in in-person canvassing, taking precautions including masking, distancing, and keeping conversations outdoors when possible reduces the risk of spreading COVID an other infectious diseases.
Vote Forward: Write non-partisan get-out-the-vote letters to voters (participate as soon as possible, deadline for mailing is Oct. 29, or check out the phone banking options below)
Zoom/virtual phone banking options
National Nurses United (Oct. 26-Nov. 3):
Working Families Party:
Bilingual (Spanish/English) phone banking with Mijente:
Seed the Vote phone banking events:
Wisconsin Voting Deadlines
Registration Deadlines
For additional information and full official details, visit:
November 1, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m.- Deadline to Register in Your Municipal Clerk’s Office.
People can register at an in-person absentee voting site, with the exception of the Saturday Nov. 2, Sunday Nov. 3 or Monday Nov. 4 before election day. Please see the information below.
November 5, 2024 from 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Register to Vote at Your Polling Place.
For more information:
Absentee Voting Deadlines
October 31, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m.- Deadline to Request an Absentee Ballot- Regular and Permanent Overseas Voters.
November 1, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m.- Deadline to Request an Absentee Ballot- Indefinitely Confined and Military.
October 22, 2024, possibly through November 3, 2024 -Deadline for In-Person Absentee- Voters can possibly request and vote an absentee ballot in-person in their municipal clerk’s office through November 3, 2024. Office hours vary by municipality. Some municipal offices may not offer additional in-person absentee hours. Check MyVote or contact your municipal clerk for absentee voting hours.
People can register at an in-person absentee voting site, with the exception of the Saturday Nov. 2, Sunday Nov. 3 or Monday Nov. 4 before election day
“You will need to show ID to receive an absentee ballot. You may register to vote, with proof of address, at any absentee voting location. There is no voter registration the Saturday, Sunday, or Monday before Election Day.” from the City of Madison elections website.
November 5, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m.- Deadline for Hospitalized Voters- Voters who are in a hospital may request a ballot be brought to them by an appointed agent if they are hospitalized in the 7 days preceding the election. Hospitalized electors may request an absentee ballot between October 29, 2024 and November 5, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
November 5, 2024 @ 8:00 p.m.- Deadline to Return Absentee Ballot- If you have already received an absentee ballot, you must return your absentee ballot by mail or delivery to your municipal clerk. Your ballot must be received by your municipal clerk no later than 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 5, 2024.
For more information: